31 December 2008

2009 - Finally

There’s an old story about a conversation between Miles Davis and John Coltrane. ‘Trane was having troubles with his band, because they were annoyed by his tendency to monopolize sets with his trademark, meandering solos, leaving little or no time for his them to do their thing. The arrangement would call for each of them to play maybe sixteen bars, and then pass it off to the next man.

“I can’t explain it,” he said. “I just sorta get lost out there. I start ridin’ the groove and I just keeps going and I don’t know how to stop.”

Miles smiled, crushed out a cigarette and replied in that raspy old voice of his.

“You take the horn outcha mouth.”

So… For those of you embarking on a resolution for the New Year, mark well the wisdom of the jazz man. Remember, sometimes a bad habit can be resolved by simply takin’ the horn outcha mouth.

Anyhoo... Happy New Year All!

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